Double Coupon Checker


My Options & Awards

Use “Double Coupon Checker” to quickly check whether the coupons you have can be doubled. Simply scan your coupons from Sunday newspaper, “Catalina” print-out, or grocery store on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch (auto-focus capable device required). All coupon barcode formats (Databar, UPC, and UPC+Code128) are supported.

Note: What is printed on the coupon may NOT match what is encoded in the coupon barcode. If there are any discrepancy, the writing on the physical coupon prevails.

1) iPhone 3GS/4/4S/5, iPad 3/4/mini, and latest iPod Touch (5th generation, released Oct 2012) are supported.
2) iPhone 3, iPad 1/2, and all previous generations of iPod Touch do not have auto-focus camera and are NOT supported.

Problems, questions, or suggestions?  Please contact